one- on- one sessions

One of my favorite things is to connect and work with people directly. The opportunity to support you through your spiritual exploration, growth, and inquiry is something Iā€™m incredibly grateful for. As a number of you have reached out about one-on-one conversations, we are exploring the possibilities of adding for those opportunities, with limited in-person and Google Meet options. Look for more info here soon, but for now if you are interested in setting something up, please e-mail Nicole at

In addition to my own writing, I also serve as a writing consultant, literary coach and collaborator. The projects I have worked on include New York Times bestsellers. I love helping people bring their creative dreams to life. If you are interested in working one-on-one on a project, you are also welcome to set up time to talk. For these projects, note that due to volume of requests and need to be selective. availability is very limited. You can also e-mail for these requests via