Hey Tulsa! Announcing THE TABLE, a new weekly worship gathering starting Wednesday, February 22nd

THE TABLE is a simple, Spirit-led worship gathering for people who are looking to make more room in their lives for God and for others.  We gather to orient ourselves around the teachings of Jesus, and to eat and drink from the big table of grace he has spread for us.  There’s room enough at the table for everyone—you, especially. Weekly worship with Nichole Nordeman, Ben and Noelle Kilgore, and teaching from me. 

Wednesdays at 7pm

First Lutheran Church

1244 S. Utica Ave.

Tulsa, OK 74104


What can I expect from THE TABLE?

Pyrotechnics, killer light show, full band covers of Lady Gaga songs, occasional live acrobatics.


We sing a few songs, pray a few prayers—some spontaneous, some written; if anybody is having a hard time, we pray for them.  We confess our sins. We talk about Jesus.  Then anybody who wants is invited to come and kneel to eat the bread and drink the wine.    

Why Wednesdays?  

The catalyst for THE TABLE is that we (Jonathan, Nichole, Ben and Noelle) are all in full-time ministry that demands we travel a lot on weekends/Sundays.  So, we needed space to follow Jesus in a community of friends for ourselves, outside the context of weekends.  You are welcome to join us.  

What is your denominational affiliation?

None.  We honor and represent a number of Christian traditions, and are especially grateful to First Lutheran Tulsa for allowing us to meet in their space.  But THE TABLE is not a church, and has no formal ecclesial affiliation.

What sort of programs/ministries do you offer?

See above—we are not a church. We are a worship gathering, and look forward to sharing meals soon around an actual table with each other and our homeless friends, before or after worship. 

Is childcare provided?

Not yet, but children are welcome. 

Who exactly is welcome at THE TABLE?

We are comfortable with the guest list Jesus made—which is his, not ours.  In short, everyone. 

Okay great…but what do you really mean by everyone?

By everyone, we mean EVERYONE.  Nobody is left out. 

This simple Eucharistic prayer is the heart of our worship gathering:

This is the Table, not of the church, but of the Lord.
It is made ready for those who love Him and for those who want to love Him more.
So come, You who have much faith and you who have little,
You who have been here often and you who have not been here long,
You who have tried to follow and you who have failed.
Come, because it is the Lord who invites you.
It is His will that those who want Him should meet Him here.
Come to the Table.

What do you guys believe, exactly? 

See the Apostles’ Creed.

The creed.  Cool.  But more specifically…?

That’s all we’ve got.  Seriously. 


on the art of preaching (or, on Russell Westbrook, stand-up comedy, and getting to the inner yes)


after all, it’s only theater: on Trump, wrestlemania & evangelicals